Add to your bank of useless knowledge with Karl Shaw’s Five People Who Died During Sex, a book that is guaranteed to have you regularly saying “Did you know….” to friends and strangers at parties. Facts range from the historically interesting (“confessional boxes were originally invented to keep priests from getting too friendly with female parishioners”) to the pop culturally relevant (“Marcel the Monkey was fired from the cast of Friends for puking live worms on set“) ensuring that you will have key insight into any situation. Lists include “Creative Drunks,” “Questionable Murder Motives,” “Phobias of the Famous,” and “10 Things They Won’t Teach You in Sunday School” (a personal favorite). Read from cover to cover for maximum learning, or pick a random page for quick study, but be forewarned: Five People is not for those with weak hearts, prudish minds, or delicate stomachs. Shaw’s lists are disgusting, disturbing, hilarious and really, really interesting.