Monday, November 23, 2009

Yuletide Yorick

Got the gumption to go Goth this holiday? It's not for everyone, but the darker side of Romanticism seems to find an expression even in the season of light. Not that we're quite ready to trade in "A Christmas Carol" in favor of "Turn of the Screw" (or the next installment of "Twilight" for that matter), but we do enjoy these Tattoo Skull Ornaments from 180 Degrees. It's remarkable how the skull theme has dominated new product introductions this year, appearing on jewelry, glassware, games, key holders, ice cube trays, coasters and ornaments, to name but a few. Hamlet would have been able to ponder mortality at every turn, with no help at all from poor Yorick. So, if you notice that you have only black in your wardrobe and you have a yen for lots and lots of dark eyeliner, fret not when the neighbors haul out their 7 foot tall blinking snowman yard ornament - for you now have an ornament you can call your own.