It's not every day that we get in a book like this. This is a coffee table book, yes - you can put a Ming vase on a coffee table, too. And the comparison is apt, for this book is a stunning work of art. The author's father has been a friend of The Afternoon for several years, and was in recently on a business call when he mentioned that his daughter has produced a beautiful book on Paris and offered to let us see it. Oh great, I thought, my kids draw pictures, too, and I happily foist them on unsuspecting victims who have little choice but to say "my, what talent" or something of the sort. Well, this is something altogether different, and truly breathtaking. Leslie Little has collaborated with photographer James P. Scholz (both from Omaha, I would like to add) to produce
Paris Icons, a book filled with dramatic fine art photos of the City of Romance with the unusual addition of velum pages with quotes from French authors and artists living in Paris. The result is an homage to the architecture, ambiance and ethos of this great city that is second to none. As I turned page after glorious page, I was transported back to 1981 and my first and only visit to Paris, one of the high points of my youth. The Paris I saw was gorgeous, loud, a little overwhelming, and irresistable, with beauty around every corner. This book reminded me of how I long to visit again, and why. Winner of a Gold Medal for "Most Outstanding Book Design" and a Bronze Medal for "Best Coffee Table Book" in the
2009 Independent Publishers IPPY Award competition, this book is getting the attention it deserves; but where it belongs most is in the homes of lovers of Paris and great fine art photography.