Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"My Favorite Store"

We've heard people describe The Afternoon as their "favorite store" so often we've adopted it as our catch phrase, but it's not the only nick-name our store has collected over the many years. It isn't an easy store to categorize, so people tend to get....creative. Here at the Omaha store we will often hear people on cell phones trying to give directions to their unseen companions, or eavesdrop as people drag in their out-of-town relations, and our clientele have developed some interesting ways to describe us to their friends. "You know, that weird store with all the cool glass animals." Or, "The wine glass store." Or, "The jewelry store with black walls." Or, (this one made me laugh): "It's the kitchen store that has like, art and stuff." I guess you define The Afternoon by whatever products first drew you in. I've worked here for years, I know the full scope of our products and services, but every so often I find myself calling it "the clock store" because that's what I used to call it when walking by in high school. So, what products define The Afternoon for you?