The newest pieces of art at The Afternoon aren't in the window or the fancy glass cases, they're in the....kitchen section?
I'm a sucker for innovation and beautiful design. I also really, really like clever kitchen gadgets. So I am in love with the new JosephJoseph line of kitchen gear. All their pieces are not only surprisingly beautiful for kitchen utensils, but also practical in new and inventive ways. Take the "Catcher" citrus reamer, that comes with a built-in seed catcher to keep pesky lemon seeds out of your food and beverages; or the veggie peeler that comes with a curved blade so it hugs the vegetables you are peeling, making it so much easier and faster than the traditional flat model (why hasn't anyone ever thought of THAT before?)

But the most popular with staff and customers alike has to be the truly ingenious folding colander. It comes COMPLETELY FLAT (think
cutting board flat) to store in the smallest of spaces--only to be reassembled in an origami-like fashion to drain your pastas and wash your fresh vegetables. How's that for innovation?