Friday, August 20, 2010

Atticus Robot - The Next Generation

His progenitor, Atticus Robot 1, sold out in just a few days. It's been a long wait, but he has finally arrived on our planet, with remote-controlled eyes and ready to jam - Atticus Robot 2 is now appearing at our Mall of America store! The creation of artist Toby Atticus Fraley, Atticus 2 is "found object" art, constructed from various sundry and exotic spare parts that together form one fashionable robot. Each robot created by Mr. Fraley is unique. His robots reside in select locales, including the separate private collections of Grammy Award-winning musicians and the headquarters of "one of those really big Silicon Valley tech firms." A couple of the robots have even had their 15 minutes (well, maybe 15 seconds) of fame on HGTV. Come in and see him - while you can!