Mother's Day is coming May 8th--are you ready? Are you going to give your mother the sweet, thoughtful gift she deserves...or are you going to give her the same old tired presents you've been giving her since you were a kid? Your mother loves you no matter how lame your presents are, but if you really want to wow her this Mother's Day, make these standard Mom gifts extra special with our Mom-approved advice!
Mom Books: a go-to Mother's Day present for clueless dads and confused kids, it says right on the cover "THIS IS FOR A MOM" while also being the kind of present moms
love to get. And they love it for good reason--the pages of our most popular Mom Books are full of inspiration quotes, beautiful script, and even thoughtful insight into the beauty that is motherhood. They are sweet and lovely and sentimental, and if you give one of these to your mom, she will say "Aw, thanks honey!"

But if you want something even better than an "Aw, thanks honey!" from your mom this year--if you want her to be speechless or (even better) tearing up a bit at the mere sight of your gift, here is what you do:

Buy your mom a Mom Book and then before you wrap the book. (This will take time, but it is important. It takes time to make gifts extra special) As you read the book, have some post-it notes handy. When you come to a quote in
Mother is a Verb, or a question in
For My Mother or
My Mom Interview Book, put a note in there letting your mom know that you think that quote is perfect for her, that it reminds you of a specific childhood memory, or that the interview question is something you've always wanted to know. This way, when your mom flips through the book, not only is she moved by the sentiments of the authors, but by the thought and effort
you put into making it special for her. Because she deserves it.
She's your mom.