"Dr. John H. Watson has been charged with ARSON, TORTURE, and MURDER!"
What? But where is his best pal Sherlock Holmes? Oh, right....he vanished after that tumble off a cliff while fighting Professor Moriarty.....It seems that old Watson is really in a jam! Thank goodness he left a few clues lying around - now if there were only someone to help him. Well - there is always YOU!!!! Haven't you always wanted to have a crack at a mystery and give Holmes a run for his magnifier? Grab your sleuthing gear and help save Dr. Watson with this interactive adventure book!!! Perhaps it will soon be YOU living at 221b Baker Street!!
*and check out our cool new wooden postcards from Spitfire Girl - yeah, that's right - they're made of wood! I love the Victorian silhouette - he looks a lot like our friend Watson whose life you have hopefully saved!