Monday, April 27, 2009

Question Authority with Style

Here at the Afternoon in Omaha, we are language lovers. I personally am an English major, a poet, and (forgive me!) a rather inexperienced blogger. As a general rule, I abhor exclamation points, but I have to say, I am positively drooling over our literary jewelry collection!!! “I Read Banned Books,” but who would have thought I could wear a bracelet celebrating this fact? Is it safe to be a nerd again? Apparently so: safe and cool to read Howl, Huckleberry Finn, The Color Purple, and Captain Underpants. From now on, I will wear geekdom on my sleeve (or thereabouts), and I have a feeling my friends will be jealous. Hide literary longings? Quoth the ‘Nooners, “Nevermore.”