Monday, April 6, 2009

Two Heads Really Are Better

Not often is something with two heads something I want to deal with. But we just got the HYDRA two-headed LED booklight. The really cool thing is that it has a light head for each page you are interested in seeing. Now, I thought this would be a really cool gift for my college age student because I remember pulling a few all nighters before a big exam. It is pretty sweet for that but then my son wanted one for the campfire. Now that confused me a bit, but he will often pull out his guitar and sing a few songs on a clear night. Always seeing the music and words is an obstacle at the campfire and he is using it over his music and loves it. Isn't that just the way it is, you think an item has only one use and you come to find out it has another even more pure. The other really cool thing about this is that it runs on AAA batteries so it is easy to power up! I'm also thinking this could have a 3rd option. If I can figure out how to affix it to my head the turn on the lights and go trick-or-treating as a Martian! Totally far out and fun!