Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wall Art

We’ve all seen it. The graphic neon bubbly letters written across bridges, rail-cars, and abandoned buildings. Society finds it disgusting and just flat out disrespectful. But what about graffiti that goes beyond the lewd, crude, and rude stereotype? What if we viewed graffiti from an artistic standpoint? WHAT?…..Could it BE? GRAFITTI WITH MEANING?!?!?!…*GASP*!! Yes ladies and gentlemen fear it, loathe it, and LOVE IT and let us open our eyes to the mysterious yet witty world of BANKSY. From the New York MET to the disheveled streets of Palestine Banksy has made his/her/their provocative mark known world wide. What makes this/these Banksy person(s) so MIND BLOWINGLY COMPELLING is that no one knows who creates these feisty stenciled characters. Still to this day the identity of this artist remains mysteriously unknown DOM DOM DOM! AND THAT’S NOT EVEN THE COOLEST PART!! Picture the Mona Lisa propping a rocket launcher on her shoulder with that little smirk written across her face or a man in a riot throwing a bouquet of flowers. This book will push you out of that “frame” mindset that is traditional art and make you take a look at the BIG PICTURE…or in this case THE BIG SPRAYPAINT STENCILED FIGURE of the queen of England with the face of a chimp.