Thursday, September 1, 2011
Don't give me that look, crazy witch bowl. I know, for some people, September 1st is way too early to start talking about a holiday that happens at the very end of October. But for other people, people like me, who have been waiting with bated breath for Halloween decorations to hit the shelves and who had their costume planned out MONTHS ago..for those people, it is never too early to talk Halloween. And I have been informed by a non-Halloween enthusiast that September 1st is absolutely the earliest they are willing to hear or see anything ghostly or ghoulish, so here we are.
I think my love and enthusiasm is only amplified by working here at the Afternoon, where our buyers work every year to bring new adorable, spooky, sparkly, and clever Halloween decorations to make your holiday special. TAG, OneHundred80Degrees, and Glitterville (especially Glitterville!) have such amazing new items this year, you have to come check them out!
But don't worry...even if you're a holiday procrastinator and you only really get into Halloween until October 30, we'll be carrying these items right up until the last minute...but I can't promise that by that point, I won't already be bothering you about CHRISTMAS!