Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gift Guides - For The Bookworm

The goal during the holidays is to see your loved ones open gifts with glee, not a thinly veiled look that says, "I would have been happier with a fruit cake. Thrown directly at my face."  What makes gift-giving hard is the variety of people you have to shop for. If you're anything like us, you've collected a lovable group of weirdos on your shopping list over the years, and you want to get something special. The Afternoon has the gifts that are destined to become favorites, and today we've got the goods for the Bookworms in your life.

The Geek's Guide to World Domination - Sorry, beautiful people. These days, from government to business to technology to Hollywood, geeks rule the world. Finally, here’s the book no self-respecting geek can live without–a guide jam-packed with 314.1516 short entries both useful and fun. Science, pop-culture trivia, paper airplanes, and pure geekish nostalgia coexist as happily in these pages as they do in their natural habitat of the geek brain. In short, dear geek, here you’ll find everything you need to achieve nirvana. And here, for you pathetic nongeeks, is the last chance to save yourselves: Love this book, live this book, and you too can join us in the experience of total world domination. Tune in. Turn on. Geek out. By Garth Sundem; paperback.

Banned Book Bracelet - Created for the American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom, this bracelet features links (1" x 0.75") with reproductions of book covers from works that have been challenged or subject to censorship. Titles include "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," "The Color Purple," "Howl," "Annie on My Mind," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Go Ask Alice," and "Huckleberry Finn." A final link states simply, and authoritatively, "I Read Banned Books." Made of metal (non-lead) with clear elastic - one size fits all.

Lena Bookends - Designed to resemble leaning books, these bookends also serve as stand-alone shelf décor. Fashioned from solid wood and coated with white high polish piano finish. They're bookends that look like books! They're meta-bookends perfect for any English major with a load of literary theory books that need to be held up.