Monday, November 14, 2011

Natural Nativity

The bright lights and glittering tinsel of the Christmas season is a beautiful sight, but there's something enchanting about the stripped down style of these Nativity sets. The Christmas story is carved into life through natural woods and organic lines, emphasizing the simple beauty of the story theses sets depict.

These willowy figures are set off by their simple wood stable that curves as thought it sprung right from the earth.
 Soft colors play beautifully with even softer lines to capture a peaceful scene. The abundance of rustic charm allows the small touches of gold to really shine.

The Nativity set below stays even closer to its natural roots. This set is incredibly unique in the way it allows the natural shape and texture of the wood to tell the Christmas story. The soft bend of the wood becomes a humble bow to newly born Christ.

Contact us to find out more about these beautiful Nativity
Sets. 1-800-290-1679