If you're anything like me, you were ready for it to be Christmas three months ago, and you're getting a little impatient to put up that tree already.
How do these two people co-exist in the same household? Well...I'm sneaky. That's how. The "Christmas Creep" that they talk about on the news isn't just a retail thing, it is a strategy for Christmas warfare that I've been using for years.
I start almost invisibly. I swap out all our fall candles for Christmas ones. Suddenly where once there was pumpkin and apple spice there is now peppermint and fir. My husband breaths in the Christmas cheer without even realizing it. Then I slip something very tiny but also very festive into our every day routine, like a Christmas salt and pepper set. It's not as dramatic as putting up the big tree (and my husband barely notices the difference) but it's a little reminder to me that Christmas is coming, and I smile every time I see them. When you also consider the fact that they make fabulous gifts and are adorable for collectors, it seems like the perfect stepping stone to full on Christmas joy!
Here's hoping they'll tide me for another few days----then hold on to your Santa hat, honey, because as of next week, Christmas is ON, and there's nothing he can do about it!

(click on any of the pictures to find your own Christmas salt & pepper set in our online store--go ahead and sneak one onto your table today! even if he notices, it'll make him smile!)