Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving Survival Part 1- The Food

Thanksgiving would seem like the hassle-free holiday during this season. You don't have to think up a costume and hand out candy. There is no fretting over trees and the gifts that go beneath them. Piece of cake, right? As easy as Thanksgiving sounds, we all know it's just not the case. To help you cope, we've come up with a strategy to get you through happy and unscathed!

Part 1: Food Preparation

This whole day is centered around food. Anybody hosting Thanksgiving can start to feel like the zoo keeper in charge of the lions at feeding time--which can be stressful. It's important, though, to keep things fun and we've got plenty of fun, foodie stuff!

Chicago Metallic Fusion Roaster- This terrific new vertical non-stick roaster from Chicago Metallic has generated a lot of excitement around here. It's perfect for chicken, a small turkey, duck and more (up to 10 pounds). It evenly cooks the inside of the bird for moist results, with a perfectly browned crispy outside. Surround your roast with veggies or accompanying sides for a perfect meld of flavors- be still our hungry heart!

Guitar Shredder- Now you can make cheesy potato casserole like a rock star! Jimi Hendrix might even join you as your sous-chef. The ultimate riff awaits you, right in your very own kitchen. No more dull dinner preparation guaranteed!

Cat Measuring Cups - It's a wonder what cute things can do for the spirit. It won't feel like work when you're pouring flour and sugar out of these sweet little kitty measuring cups. This set comes with four felines with great quantitative prowess: 1/4 cup 1/3 cup 1/2 cup and 1 cup measures, to be precise.