It's all about YELLOW....
Deer In the Headlights Game - Be the first to discard all of your cards and win the round, but watch out! A "Deer in the Headlights" roll will stall your progress. Roll a "Car" or "Running Deer" and dump cards on your opponents. This game is easy to learn and fun for the whole family. For two or more players, ages 5 years and up.
I have these new policies toward my life, like 'I will not accelerate when I see the yellow light.' Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love
Dalek, The Eternal Wind Up Toy - Yet another paradigm of the feared Daleks created by the evil Davros, the yellow Eternal Dalek is a must for the collection of any Dr. Who fan. Just wind it up and it goes on patrol, moving its head dome left to right while seeking to destroy any life form apart from Dalek life. Could be useful at the office. 3-1/8" tall; no batteries required.
What everyone needs for SPRING! Bolt Earbuds!
When the need for tunes strikes, bolt for these cute little earbuds. Use them with your smart phone, iPod, MP3 players, and more. Compatible with any device with a standard 3.5mm headphone socket. 47" cord length.
The Taki watch line is designed by Minnesotan David Spencer, who had the idea of making watches with stainless steel, high quality all leather bands, Japanese movement, and color combinations to please men and women of any age and background. All of his watch lines are named for different areas around MN; in this case, Hugo. Watch face is 42mm x 42mm.