"Do what you love / Love what you do."
Arrange them in any direction, any pattern, any order, in multiple rooms - whatever suits your mood. As long as you love doing it, you've got the idea.
The black stamped metal words are on raised mounts, yielding a "3D" effect.

This unique wall clock expresses its numerals through an intriguing combination of language and type, creating an intriguing chronometer for travelers and linguists alike.
Henry Higgins would have loved it.

Like to cuddle in the kitchen?
100% cotton dishtowel features bold, modern graphics against a solid white background.
This towel is the perfect gift for that special someone who happens to be "wild at heart."

Today's imponderable: why have a thought outside the box when you can have a Lamp-in-a-Box? Hmm, it's going to take a trip to the oracle at The Afternoon to deconstruct that one. Meanwhile, you can enjoy this ultra-hip and tres chic journey into modern lighting. Of course, these lamps are meant to be displayed outside of their heavy duty, recyclable, reusable carrying boxes, and they sport terrific prints on their shades. This lamp features block letters that declare: Highlighted / Enlightened / Illuminated (shade design by Clive Piercy).
Perfect for the college student and/or the confirmed philosopher.
Sorry, beautiful people. These days, from government to business to technology to Hollywood, geeks rule the world. Finally, here’s the book no self-respecting geek can live without–a guide jam-packed with 314.1516 short entries both useful and fun. Science, pop-culture trivia, paper airplanes, and pure geekish nostalgia coexist as happily in these pages as they do in their natural habitat of the geek brain. In short, dear geek, here you’ll find everything you need to achieve nirvana. And here, for you pathetic nongeeks, is the last chance to save yourselves: Love this book, live this book, and you too can join us in the experience of total world domination. Tune in. Turn on. Geek out. By Garth Sundem; paperback.
Feeling crushed by that impending book report? Is your summer reading list weighing you down? Flattened by a weighty tome? Get reading before it's too late! This metal bookend holds your books precariously above a doomed victim of ponderous prose below. A perfect gift for your favorite English teacher.
The End Bookends....