
Since it was first introduced in 1965, Spirograph has made it possible for aspiring artists of all ages to create beautifully intricate designs. Originally developed as a drafting tool by a mechanical engineer name Denys Fisher, the distinctive wheels and rings of Spirograph cleverly combine the principles of art and mathematics in a way that has inspired and delighted generations.
Cribbage is a classic card game that has been played for centuries. Descended from a game called Noddy, Cribbage was originally a game played by sailors. It was one of the few games that could be played on the rolling seas, as it used pegs that moved along a track of holes that could be carved into nearly any part of the ship. Throughout time, many variations of Cribbage have been played.
In this set, Front Porch Classics® provides the traditional rules of the game, as well as six variants: Solitaire, 3-player, 4-player, 5-card, Backward and Noddy.

Decide for yourself: who wins? Is it the Competitor who charges fair market value for rent? Or is it the Monopolist who amasses control over whole regions and can charge much higher fees?
Includes game board, game money, 3 blue monopolist pawns, 3 green competitor pawns, 25 monopolist cards, 25 competitor cards, 28 title/mortgage notes, dice, 35 houses, 15 apartments, and instructions. For 2 to 6 players, ages 8 and up.