There are many times we receive things here at
The Afternoon and I think "I want that!" but occasionally we get something new and I think "I need that!" Such is the case with the new
microwave popcorn popper. In my search for delicious, air popped popcorn without the expensive popper, I have ruined pots, pans, mixing bowls, and very nearly destroyed my microwave! But it was worth all the sacrifice to finally get the perfect popcorn. A cheaper alternative to the bagged instant popcorn, this amazing bowl requires no oil, making it a healthier alternative as well! Oh, and you can serve the popcorn in the same bowl you pop it in, cutting back on dishes! PERFECT! Come check out the whole new line of microwave cooking tools from
Nordic Ware, and maybe you'll find something that you need too (also, these make GREAT gifts for college kids!)