Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wine by the Glass

It's hard to go to a restaurant these days and not find oneself confronted with that most vexing of pecuniary and moderation-baiting dilemmas: whether 'tis nobler to buy wine by the glass or by the bottle. For the Falstaffs among us this isn't much of a dilemma at all. However, for those of us who wish to appear thrifty, or to seem to possess a modicum of self-discipline worthy of the ninja, or who simply do not want to carry the title of "lush," but nonetheless LOVE wine, it's a struggle that requires the pondering of a Hamlet to resolve. Well, the heavens have opened and the "you can't have your cake and eat it, too" crowd has been banished: enter the XL Wine Glass. For those of you who wear petite sizes, XL does indeed mean what you think it does, and it's fitting in this instance. This mighty wine glass can hold 750ml of wine - that's the equivalent of one entire standard size bottle of grape goodness. Sweet liberty, now we're talking. So go ahead, impress the teetotalers in your merry band by "just having a glass;" only you and your vintner of choice will be the wiser. Perhaps it's worth sneaking one into your favorite eatery as well; upon presentation of the bill, you can point to the empirical evidence and claim that you only had a glass of that $120 wine. Good luck with that one.