"Is there anything you DON'T have?" asked one of our visitors this past weekend. "Breakfast cereal," I replied, not missing a beat. Later on my drive home I tried to think of all the things we don't have at The Afternoon. Cement mixers, jumper cables, and cell phones were among my first thoughts, but then I realized that while we don't have these things we probably do have a book or two that may mention them in some way. We don't carry most grocery items, but we DO have some food, and enough utensils and books to assist with any food related needs.
Hmmm, this question really has me stumped. I mean, we even have shower curtains in here!!! And doormats! And lighting options! And rubber bands! And, if we don't actually have it, we are almost certain to have a book that mentions it! Really, I can't think of a single thing. Well, we don't have a formula for world peace....(0r DO we??)