Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fanfare For Your Fortunate Feline

Are you a cat person? Not sure? Some of the classic signs include talking to your cat as though they were a person, having 3 or more, and hanging photos of your feline friends up at work (wait - I'm describing myself....). If this sounds like you then our Music for Cats CD is an absolute must! If you've ever wondered what Socks is up to when you're away (not that you won't find out when you get back to find your plants turned over), then you're the kind of person who would buy a cd for your cat to enjoy!!!! There is no shame in this - you're amongst friends and fellow cat lovers here at The Afternoon! The only thing we can't guarantee is that your cat won't still pretend you don't exist (except, mysteriously around dinner time when suddenly Fluffy wants to be your best friend!).