Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The Afternoon in Omaha just started carrying Dripstiks, and I am inexplicably excited. I don’t have children (or nieces or nephews), but I think this is the coolest idea ever! The concept behind the Dripstik is simple: give a kid an ice cream cone or popsicle, and it will drip. Give him a Dripstik, and it won’t drip on his shirt. Each Dripstik is two-sided--one side designed to hold ice cream cones of various sizes and the other to hold frozen treats on sticks. Each side has a lip to contain spillage, and both are balanced to rest squarely on countertops. Dripstiks come in a variety of colors--from pink to purple to orange to blue--and have easy-hold centers for child-sized hands. I’m jealous--why were these not around when I was a kid?