Friday, July 17, 2009

Father Knows Popsicles

It's always a little scary when Dad is left alone to feed dinner to the kids. Not that Dad can't cook; not that Dad won't be concerned about nutrition; it's just that, in our home, Dad is easily corrupted. Especially with regard to dessert. So when Dad n Da Boyz were finished with their gourmet fare of chicken tenders, broccoli and gatorade on a recent summer repast sans Mom, Da Boyz thought they had it made. What could they entice Dad to serve up this time: Ice Cream? Brownies? Cherry Pie (the yummy kind, not the jewelry)? Baked Alaska (once you've eaten it you can see Russia from your house...)? But no; Dad was prepared this time, and offered instead some Tovolo Freezer Gem Popsicle treats in delicious and (relatively) healthy frozen fruit juice and frozen yogurt varieties. Easy to make: Just fill the individual molds with your liquid of choice (fruit juice, flavored water, yogurt - even mix and match!), attach the finger grip, place in the convenient tray and then into the freezer. The results are delicious and in small, manageable servings just perfect for little ones (and big ones watching the waistline). Oh what clever one that Dad is (a good thing to remember on a certain day of celebration in June)!