Graduation is right around the corner (ask any high school senior, they'll give you a countdown to the hour) and The Afternoon has long been destination for graduation gifts. Since there are SO MANY options, let's divide this into boys and girls, just so you don't get overwhelmed with all the great ideas!
Now, high school boys are a little harder to buy for--they would scoff at the sentimental and lovely suggestions we made for the girls, and tend to be less articulate about what they'll be wanting for their new dorms. So we have to get a little more creative...
Maybe one of our funky office supplies or novelty pens will make him more likely to do homework. Or, you could try to keep away from the Freshman 15 with a college-aimed cookbook, like our Healthy College Cookbook or the (perhaps more appropriate) 101 Things To Do With Ramen. Add a few of our nifty kitchen gadgets, and maybe he'll be able to make it once Mom isn't there to cook for him anymore.
But if I can make a suggestion, I think the best gift we have for the soon-to-be college boy is the Stinky Dorm Kit, an all natural odor elimination kit that will keep their dorm room fresh for an entire semester! It includes both odor neutralizing crystals for constant freshness and a spray to get rid of odors that are in the air or sunk into fabrics. And it has the nice, gender-neutral scent of lime, pine, cedar wood and clove; which means boys won't be afraid of it's air freshening power...and the less-than-tidy girls in your life can use it too!